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PHP中文网发表于 2021-03-15 16:50 次浏览


  • 使用运算符对表tmp15中不同的字段进行运算。
  • 使用逻辑操作符对数据进行逻辑操作。
  • 使用位操作符对数据进行位操作。



mysql> create table tmp15    -> (
    -> note varchar(100),
    -> price int
    -> );Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)mysql> into tmp15 values
    -> (
    -> "Thisisgood",50
    -> );
    mysql> insert into tmp15 values
    -> ("Thisisgood",50);Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)


mysql> select price,
    -> price   10,
    -> price - 10,
    -> price * 2,
    -> price / 2,
    -> price % 3
    -> from tmp15; ------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- | price | price   10 | price - 10 | price * 2 | price / 2 | price % 3 | ------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- |    50 |         60 |         40 |       100 |   25.0000 |         2 | ------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select price,
    -> price>10,
    -> price<10,
    -> price != 10,
    -> price = 10,
    -> price<=>10,
    -> price<>10
    -> from tmp15; ------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- | price | price>10 | price<10 | price != 10 | price = 10 | price<=>10 | price<>10 | ------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- |    50 |        1 |        0 |           1 |          0 |          0 |         1 | ------- ---------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------ ----------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select price,
    -> price between 30 and 80,
    -> greatest(price,70,30),
    -> price in(10,20,50,35)
    -> from tmp15; ------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- | price | price between 30 and 80 | greatest(price,70,30) | price in(10,20,50,35) | ------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- |    50 |                       1 |                    70 |                     1 | ------- ------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select note,
    -> note is null,
    -> note like 't%',
    -> note regexp '$y',
    -> note regexp '[gm]'
    -> from tmp15; ------------ -------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------------- | note       | note is null | note like 't%' | note regexp '$y' | note regexp '[gm]' | ------------ -------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------------- | Thisisgood |            0 |              1 |                0 |                  1 | ------------ -------------- ---------------- ------------------ -------------------- 1 row in set (0.05 sec)


mysql> select price,
    -> price && 1,
    -> price && null,
    -> price || 0,
    -> price and 0,
    -> 0 and null,
    -> price or null
    -> from tmp15; ------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ --------------- | price | price && 1 | price && null | price || 0 | price and 0 | 0 and null | price or null | ------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ --------------- |    50 |          1 |          NULL |          1 |           0 |          0 |             1 | ------- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ --------------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)mysql> select price,
    -> !price,
    -> not null,
    -> price xor 3,
    -> 0 xor null,
    -> price xor 0
    -> from tmp15; ------- -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------- | price | !price | not null | price xor 3 | 0 xor null | price xor 0 | ------- -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------- |    50 |      0 |     NULL |           0 |       NULL |           1 | ------- -------- ---------- ------------- ------------ ------------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

(6)将price字段值与2、4进行按位与、按位或 操作,并对price进行按位操作,SQL语句如下:

mysql> select price,
    -> price & 2,
    -> price | 4,
    -> ~price from tmp15; ------- ----------- ----------- ---------------------- | price | price & 2 | price | 4 | ~price               | ------- ----------- ----------- ---------------------- |    50 |         2 |        54 | 18446744073709551565 | ------- ----------- ----------- ---------------------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select  price,
    -> price<<2,
    -> price>>2
    -> from tmp15; ------- ---------- ---------- | price | price<<2 | price>>2 | ------- ---------- ---------- |    50 |      200 |       12 | ------- ---------- ---------- 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


以上就是mysql练习之2:运算符的使用的详细内容,更多请关注 群英网络其它相关文章!

标签:mysql 运算符
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